為了爭取可以休年假,以免被註銷,這兩天盡量完成了手頭上所有屬1st Priority的工作,今天終於可以開始消耗剩餘的年假,一直放到四月一日先上班。因為事出突然,沒有安排出Trip,一於燒菲林影過飽,天光出街影Snaps,天黑去Studio影Portraits。今日中午去了舊天星碼頭,即丁堡廣場碼頭,受到2003年開始的中區填海第三期工程影響,該碼頭已於2006年清拆,現已移為平地,將來作道路和商廈用途,本來打算順道到參觀Chanel Mobile Art,可惜門票已一早售罄,只好拍拍外殼,晚上趕到IT Studio為Phoebe拍攝。
今天真的很疲累,出門口又發現數碼相機冇電,結果帶著一台被遺棄的菲林相機、一支Standard Zoom鏡頭及一打過期菲林去Studio。簡單的燈光加上平淡的背景,又沒有心機構圖,拍了一卷菲林才發現Jancy衣服上的索帶被拉鍊勾著,心想這一輯相出來的效果一定不會很好,但出乎意料洗出來的照片充滿牽引力,Jancy的大眼睛成為每張照片的靈魂,影Portraits除了用Aperture Priority來控制Depth of Field,原來真的有Model Priority來控制Depth of Feel。
I am Terry Sham. I was born in Hong Kong. My mother came to Hong Kong from Shanghai when she was 13 years old. My father is a native Hong Kong people. My grandma and grandparents came to Hong Kong from Zhejiang in the '40s. My younger brother, Martin Sham, is 2 years younger than me. We play together, eat together and fight together. Like most Aquarians, I am independent and obstinate. From a blood donation event, I was told my blood type is O+ which means I should have a social disposition. However, all my hobbies are so solitary such as photography, computer, piano and video games.