星期日, 10月 01, 2006

Stefany Delsinne

今天找了混血兒Stefany Delsinne首試Planar T* 85mm F1.4 ZF,從觀景器望出去就知道是一支不凡的人像鏡,F1.4帶來明亮而充滿立體感的觀景器景觀,使用從廣州買回來的Konica素肌美人負片,相片出來的膚色會比較紅潤,本人亦偏好此膚色表現,可惜只有ISO400版本,微粒較粗。Stefany Delsinne雖然缺乏經驗,但非常落力,轉一轉Channel先:

Dear Stefany,
How much your kindness meant today. Although the weather is not very good,
you've brought the sunshine. To be succinct, I must conclude, I'm
overwhelmed with gratitude. Hope to see you again!

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